Category Archives: Security

Socos Teo associate with Martin ‘Viper’ Foley…

Socos Teo, a provider of office furniture and stationary based in Inverin in Co Galway, are associated with Martin ‘Viper’ Foley. As everyone is aware, the Viper is a notorious Dublin criminal.

A company that owes Socos Teo a small sum of money was contacted by this criminal organisation.

In my opinion, Martin ‘Viper’ Foley is the scum of the earth. Any business who uses Viper Debt Recovery and Repossession Services Ltd does not deserve to be in business themselves because all they are doing is supporting criminal activity in Ireland. This means that Socos Teo associate with and support criminals in Ireland and as such do not deserve to be in business and neither does Martin ‘Viper’ Foley.

(edit 21-12-09: The contact may not have been from the Viper Debt Collection and Recovery Services. The contact may have come from a Socos employee directly where threats were made regarding the debt collection agency that they were working with. I would consider this to be an endorsement of the Viper Debt Collection and Recovery Services and unacceptable behaviour.)